Thursday, August 11, 2005

Russian Names

This is interesting. I got it from a book by Catherine Clément "Le Voyage de Théo", which is a very nice book about religions. So, in Russia, people are designated by their name and their father's name. If your father's name is Grigor and you're a girl your second name is Grigorievna. In case you're a boy, the end will end in -vitch. So my name would be something like Ludwigievna or something lol.
This is similar to the way people get their last names in Iceland. They put their father's names and add a sufix: -dottir or -sen, I guess. I had a penpal called Tommasdottir. Must be a bit confusing in terms of families and knowing who you're related to.


Devil Mood said...

I'm not sure they use these names formally in Russia, since it's such a huge country. But in Iceland I think that's the official way.

JonSheridan said...

There's another Russian option which is ending names -ov for a boy and -a for a girl, so you could be Ludwiga. I'd be (boringly enough) Jon Johnson or in Russian, Ivan Ivanov. Whoo!

Devil Mood said...

LOL Start writing a novel: you'll be a bestseller in no time with a name like that.

JonSheridan said...

Yeah! A crazy cold-war spy thriller. It might just work :)