Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Ok, so it's not midnight yet, but it is in Central European Time...I don't care, I just won't have time to post this tomorrow 'cause there's a busy day ahead. Yes, it's my birthday. I'm now 22. :)


x said...

happy birthday! i wish many good things happen to you this year in your life. and you are still so very young.
many hugs on this very special day
(i think it's Christopher Bate Propaganda birthday too. you share a birthday).

Christopher D. Bate said...

Happy Birthday!

Amit Bulbule said...

wish you many many happy returns of the day... hope u have a rocking time :)

Cathy said...

I heard from both Steve and Chloe that it was your birthday, so thought I;d send best wishes from Canada. Happy Birthday!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!

(Also, I still have crushes on famous people too, I just know better than to stalk them now....errrrr....nevermind :)

A Spoon said...

happy birthday! bit belated sorry :)

Devil Mood said...

Thank you very much everyone :) I really appreciate your kind words. My birthday was a good day, I've had better but I had to work so it's a bit like any regular day. Anyway, I've got the whole year of being 22 ahead of me, with a lot of blogging included. Cheers :)

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