Sunday, December 17, 2006

Morgan Freeman's Big Sneeze

Sneeze! Sneeze! Sneeze! This is how my last days have been. From which of you did I get this cold? I'm sick and tired of it. Pass the tissue.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I have it too...not the cold, just the sneezing (from either dust or the dog or both in my Mom's house).

I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry - must have passed it on in that envelope :( Hope you get better soon! Still a few days till Christmas...

holy chaos said...

sorry... no fun... hope you are better soon.

Devil Mood said...

Kim: Gold dust from California? :) lol that sounds fun! Thanks.

Scholiast: I'm a little better today. I thought my nose was about to fall off lol

Holychaos: Thanks! I'm feeling better.