Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where, Oh, where is he going?

Ah, I missed some shocking news on football, I have to say. Everything was so boring lately. Thankfully, Mourinho came to rescue me and everyone else that was bored to tears.

He left Chelsea FC and is, for now, my partner in unemployment (ha ha). To be honest, I can't understand how he stayed for so long. He is not a Ferguson or Wenger, he could never stay in a club until 2010 no matter how much they paid himm. He is unconventional and eccentric (very Aquarius), he needs change.

Now the entertainment is finding out where he is going to go next. Hmmm...over here there are people wanting to start petitions to get him to manage the national team, especially now that Scolari has been behaving badly. I find it very unlikely at the moment, but just the mere thought of it - of Mourinho being out there, free as a bird, while we keep Scolari - is like when you go to a shoe shop and try beautiful, fantastic, comfortable and shiny new shoes and then you get back to wearing your used, rough, smelly, old ones. (I'm sorry, but it's true).

So, all I have to do now is wait and see - until then one can dream of the old days of 2003 and 2004, the glory, the ambition, victory :)
[You may not have a clue of what I'm talking about. It's okay.]


Preeti Shenoy said...

yep--i have no clue!
Er--is he good looking?! LOL.

dharmabum said...

me neither. but what are you unemployed, if i may ask?

x said...

i found an article that maybe of interest to you:

if you can't follow the link just go to

Jen said...

i understand the shoe part..and i like that it has to do with feet..fits in nicely with mean soccer football...this is the most popular sport in my dad and brother went to see the world cup in germany...brought back a shirt with brazil on it...i think they might know what you are talking about does the team in portugal do? thanks for your answers by the way...: )

Stephanie said...

I'm living in our glorious days of earlier summer for my sports team right now.

I follow baseball, but not U.S. football, which has just started. We had an 11..12...13 (now I can't remember)game lead in our division at one point this summer. Now (when it matters) it's down to 1.5.


Devil Mood said...

PS: Well, not that it matter to a football manager but yes :)

Dharmabum: You mean what kind of job? Any job, I must say, but if you mean my area, that's psychology.

Chloe: Thanks, many things have been written these past few days ;) I will read that one.

Jen: Ah, I hadn't thought of that - feet and soccer. :) Well, Portugal did better than Brazil on the last World Cup, we were 4th and also 2nd in the European Championship. You're welcome!

Stephanie: Sometimes being a sports fan is all about the pain lol

diyadear said...

ha ha yp i didnt get a single clue.. but guess ur talkin abt some dashing sportsman!! :)

Niall young said...

I think i'll start a petition to get him to come to far I have one signature.

Devil Mood said...

Diyadear: He is a football coach :)

Niall: Who knows? One day...

Scholiast said...

I know there's a petition already to get him to Leeds... But for all his "colourfulness" I'm happy he's gone, Chelsea will go back down in the mud where they belong...

And if that sounds cynical, it was meant to ;)