Tuesday, November 13, 2007

what I'm up to

I'm sitting at my desk, sipping green tea (it's burning my tongue) and working on my new project. It's not exactly new but it's still such a baby. I'm listening to Kruder & Dorfmeister and similar artists on last.fm because I can't deal with lyrics when I'm working.
I'm thinking that I don't know how to ask questions. I don't ask questions. You know how kids are always asking the most embarrassing questions to everyone? Well, I don't think I was ever like that. I must've been until I was about three. Then I guess I understood when questions got too uncomfortable to other people. It's not just the fact that I care about people's feelings (I'm not a saint). It's not a simple question of politeness or letting people have their space and their intimacy (although this is very important to me).

It's also my South Node in Sagittarius. I think I know everything! Deep down I don't feel the need to ask the questions because I think I know what people are going to answer. Even when I'm learning new things I can simply gather the general facts and believe I have all that is necessary. I don't need the details because I think I can get there through the general issues (I don't have Virgo, you see). I grasp the main themes, almost by intuition sometimes, even with a sense of inner recognition (because deep down I believe truth is ONE). I think: yeah, it makes sense that this must be this way, just as that is that way. The processes are the same, in all areas of knowledge. I'm being very abstract, I know, but that's Sagittarius for you. What I mean is that I think: if I know one thing, I can understand the rest because everything works the same way.

Duh! I miss a lot of details sometimes, I miss the really good bits. Because I don't ask, or I'm not curious enough - you see, the opposite of Sagittarius is Gemini and that's what I need to develop: I need to ask, I may be inconvenient sometimes but so is Al Gore (lol), but I need to listen to what people want to say to me. And this is good because it opens a lot of possibilities, a lot more new things to learn and that's what I really love to do.


Miss Iyer said...

My sister is JUST like you. She thinks she knows everything. I like how you think Devil ;)

Stephanie said...

I'm like you and unlike you at the same time :) I am definitely an intuitive, big-picture person, but I am always asking why why why? Often to a fault, because I never get to an answer because there are so many possible ones ;)

kimananda said...

Hmmm...I tried to comment before, but blogger wouldn't let me. Evil, evil blogger.

And now I can't remember what I wanted to say! But I can say for sure that being a Virgo (with all major planets in Virgo) doesn't mean one deals well with the details. It just means that one feels more guilt at just getting the main idea out there without a focus on details.

As for learning, yes, that is the coolest thing to do. Probably why I can't seem to ever be finished with school....

Devil Mood said...

Miss Iyer: I'm glad you don't think I'm a pompous snob, at least ;)

Stephanie: That seems like the 'normal' way to be when you want to learn. You can't want to learn and not ask much, like I do. :P

Kim: Oh, the guilt! You must be right, I don't feel that. If I did, I'd care about the details. Good for you going on and on with school. What's your 9th house like?
Blogger is a she-devil with PMS. ;)

Scholiast said...

I'm always curious, I want to find out everything - and I do mean everything... But I don't ask too much, I prefer to find out by myself. Secretly I think I've already figured out lots of stuff, but I try not to gloat when they reveal themselves to be true ;)

Now, I don't know anything about signs, but I know I'm a Scorpio. So tell me, is this typical?

(And yes, the things I find out have a tendency to be correct... And no, there's no end to how curious I can be or about what!)

Preeti Shenoy said...

Opposie of saggitarius is Gemni?Ah!!That explains why I fought so much with my brother when we were kids!

kimananda said...

Hmmm...9th house is end of Scorpio to beginning of Sag. But there are no planets in it (actually, all my planets fall into the 6th, 7th, and 8th houses, with a couple outliers in the 1st house). Not balanced at all. Saturn is the one main outlier though, which could explain a lot if one were to take the astrological view.

Jonice said...

I can go intuitive about bunches and bunches of stuff, on the other hand I can go asking quetions forever, too. Sagittarius is my home also. Now I just feel like suggesting you to write a post asking a couple of questions. How about that?

Niall young said...

Questions usually beging with What?..Why?..Who?..eh?...What?..but some don't have question marks after their end..like Tell me about yourself...exlpain that to me..tell me what you know..the question mark is not in the word, but in the heart..I think that's where you keep yours.Sometimes you know that you're asking a question..I suppos the knack is to recognise the answer..(I'm going to tangle myself up again..so I'll leave it at that)

Devil Mood said...

Scholiast. Yes, that's very typical! Actually before you asked about the sign, I was going to tell that trying to find out everything was very scorpio, but also using some sneaky ways to find out. ;) They love every mystery, the darker the better!

PS: hehe yes, there is a certain tension but they're very compatible. But all brothers fight, no? ;)

Kim: You must have a Bucket chart, where one planet is isolated, becoming very important. I have that too. Having Sagittarius in the 9th may account for all those school years you have :) Or maybe you have a strong Jupiter.

Jonice: Ok! That's a good suggestion. You mean to ask a question to other bloggers, right?

Niall: Ah, that's very interesting. It's probably true, I search for the answers in the information I gather, I just never ask very directly.

Scholiast said...

yes, all brothers fight - at least my sons do - there's one, erh, whatever one is when born Dec 16th - the rest are gemini. 1 minute apart I doubt they've got very different sets of planets, they're still VERY different. Oh yes, you'll put it down to gemini - I'm putting it down to different genes ;)

(no, our little girl doesn't fight so much. she just sets them up against eachother...)

Devil Mood said...

heheh she's trouble! I still don't get very well how astrology deals with twins. I'm sure they're very different. But they'd have to be, to survive - if they were all the same, they wouldn't be special and everyone needs to be special :)

Jen said...

questions ...
bring more questions...
personally i like that...
but i know (i think i know) that lots of people don't..
i love questions...
it is interest
it is interesting

Devil Mood said...

Hi Jen!
Yes, it's interest and interesting, but that's not the only way of getting to know things, at least for me. And it's not the way I work naturally. Wish it was a little bit different.