Saturday, December 08, 2007

John Lennon - Starting Over

To mark another aniversary of John Lennon's death, I'm posting one of my favourite songs of his. (Just like) starting over - because I believe death is a new beginning, despite all the pain and fear that are involved, it must be just like starting over.
This song makes me want to jump up and down.


Roam2Rome said...

Oh, even in new beginnings that are full of hope and joy stiiiiiill have so much pain and fear involved! So true...

Ah, transitions. Not for the faint of heart!

Anonymous said...

Oh Devil, I love John Lennon so much, it's painful. Thank you for posting this, and I'll raise a beer to both you and John tonight:)

Unknown said...

post mom dying devil, i definitely believe death is a new beginning. you are always so perceptive!;)


Devil Mood said...

R2R: I'm glad you could relate to my little sentence :)

Chrispito: I love him too! Yay, cheers!

Novel: I truly believe in that, but I'm sure it doesn't make it any easier. Take care!

Niall young said...

I rememebr where and when I was when John Lennon was shot...I bought 'Double fantasy' when it came out and some of the songs have lived in my heart eversince...this song is one of them....thank you for reminding me of the anniversary...I had forgotten...

Preeti Shenoy said...

This one happens to be one of my husband's favourites too.Love the lyrics.

Devil Mood said...

Niall: You're welcome. John Lennon really reminds me of my childhood - the happy part! This song takes me baaaack! :)

PS: Aw, that's great! I love everything ;)