A cup of coffee with my Mars
Devil Mood - Hi Mars! Sit down...
Mars - Hey there!
Mars - Hey there!
DM - Welcome back* (grin)
M - Thanks.
DM - So how are you doing?
M - Aaa, you know.... It's Libra, you know I don't like it here, it's too calm...
DM - Yeah, you don't have to tell me!
M - This is just not me, you understand? I have to be so agreeable, it's like I have to ask permission for breathing. Anything I need to do I have to ask other people.
DM - You don't have to ask...
M - Yes, but if I don't I feel miserable. I mean, you feel miserable.
DM - But it's not so bad. At least you don't make me fight with people aimlessly.
M - No. (scratches head) If you think that's better...
DM - (sigh) How about a cup of coffee?
M - You think you should be having coffee in your condition? (raised eyebrow)
DM - What do you mean?
M - You know what I mean. I'm in Libra, moody girl. It's hardly an expressive place for me to be in. If you get a lot of caffeine in your system your head might explode, for lack of somewhere else to rechannel the energy...
DM - I dance, okay Mr. know it all? I dance!
M - Pfff....
DM - What? Why are you sneering?
M - Dance. I very much doubt that does the trick.
DM - Well, that's because you've never been dancing with me. Ha!
M - Boxing, karate...that's the stuff I like.
DM - You're boring!
M - How dare you?!
DM - Ok. So let's go dancing and you'll see.
M - Deal.
*shake hands*
M - Now what does a god have to do to get a cup of coffee around here? Waiter!
*Mars returns to the place it was in the sky when you were born every two years, give and take. It's called the Mars Return and it's more or less like a special birthday. This was mine.
**photo - "ARES (Mars) LUDOVISI" from the Ludovisi Collection. This is a reproduction of a Greek original, that's why it's original named Ares (the greek name of Mars), even if it was actually done in Rome. Little baby Eros is playing at Mars' feet.
haha This was so fun!
Who was Ludovisi?
That was different. And great fun!
Lucy: Thanks! I investigated and Ludovisi is an Art collection of Ancient Roman sculptures. This is one of them.
Anthony: Thanks! Yes, it came out differently.
I enjoyed this, although I had just a bit of a problem keeping the voices straight. It was a nice humorous take on the prompt.
Granny Smith: Thank you. I added an indication of who's speaking now. I think you're right, it can get a bit confusing.
Now I got all the notes. I get it. that's creatively done.
Happy Martian Birthday, Devil One. Been reading The Iliad with the middle school urchins: plenty of bloody Mars (Ares) abounding. Hope he checked his weapons at the cafe door for you.
Lela B: thanks :)
Murat: I think he did, though knowing Mars he's always got a hidden weapon ready to strike! hehe
I hope I have the guts to read that one one day.
Hey, happy Mars Return!
I haven't had coffee in almost 1 month due to ongoing stomach trauma (too much acid) and I am finally getting around to missing it...
conversations with gods. cool post!
you remind me of linda goodman, she was great with astrology and she wrote poems about it.
Cool conversation!
Unique and fun to read. BJ
In England there used to be an advertising slogan for a chocolate bar: " A mars a day helps you work rest and play"...Mars may be God of war...but Red is the colour of passion and blood.
PS>..Did he step on your toes?
Very clever! Loved the read...
Chrispito: Good for you. I had a coffee interlude myself for a month or so to avoid migraines and it was good. But lately I'm drinking it again, though it's only a small cup a day. I figured, how bad can it be? ;)
Shadow: lol when you put it like that - I wonder if I'm going nuts?
Novel: I have one of her books but I've never read her poems. I wonder what they're like...
Linda Jacobs: Thanks!
B. Roan: thank you and thanks for visiting.
Niall: I never associate Mars with the Mars candy-bar - it's a language thing. No, he didn't step on my toes, he sat down after two minutes, tired, he said...
Thank you Tumblewords!
this is genious, I loved it.
i didn't even remember mars was in libra... my mars has been totally ignoring that it is in libra.. it's in a mix of scorpio and capricorn lately, i should have a chat with him too. :)
Hey, lots of people talk about 2012 being the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. Others interpret this as not the end of the world but the end of the age of Pisces. Is this true? Maybe you can explain this or clarify this rumour.
SirBarrett, that's true about the Mayan calendar. But think about it - they had already made a calendar for years and years, they had to stop some time. lol
As for the end of the Era of Pisces, I'm not sure. Eras aren't static and hermetic like years, they gradually change over dozens or hundreds of years. No one can say that this Era ends at a certain point and the Era of Aquarius begins. More than anything the Eras are a state of collective consciousness and many people's minds are still on Pisces mode. This has everything to do with the concept of Zeitgeist but I'm not a especialist in the subject.
Astrologicaly though, I can tell you that 2012, particularly December, involves a lot of specific patterns in the sky that many astrologers consider very significant. It will be one year to watch!
you are hysterically fun
f u n
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