A week of hazy and sunny days
sunrays visible through my new shades
sharp pencils that smell good
stracciatella ice cream
a bunch of small goats running around
friends that watched the same cartoons as you did
sleeping ten more minutes, and then another ten
a prompt every friday...
25 comments on my last post
I am grateful.
so sweet!
It takes blogging to remind us of all our benefits.
Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner? Be glad there is not snow where you are.
i love your pencils and goats...
A heartfelt list there. Great.
As we are for you, Ms. Mood.
We all have so many things to be grateful for don't we. Just being given the chance to recognize that is good too.
Lovely prompt and post.
Ah, yes, the smell of pencils! These are some of the best things, aren't they? What kind of ice cream?
Hey Lucy :)
Rinkly Rimes, you're right. Sometimes it does.
SirBarrett: More like Quick Draw McGraw, remember that? :)
Snow would be a miracle around here.
Shadow: lovely duo, right? lol
Anthony: Yes, it is.
Murat: Aw, thank you :)
Linda May: Yes and I was just mentioning a few silly ones. :)
Linda Jacobs: They're yummy. Stracciatella is cream and chocolate bits. It seems it's called chocolate chip ice cream in North America. But any ice cream would do really...
felt like i was in a free fall reflection, and i loved it!!! --- helped me recall howdy doody and eating nothing but raspberry sherbet all the way from detroit to new york city in 1957 cuz i was so friggin carsick - the tender memories are tremendous self-soothers --- grateful for your post!!!
I love the smell of my pencils...it always reminds me of school. i've even been known to smell the box of wax crayons my daughter uses....writing implement sniffers of the world,unite!
your poetry is always good...
25 comments? Well, you do rule in all our hearts, after all. Come and go as you please, you had us the instant we read your winning words :-)
Wow! A fine list, very fine!
Ah, the joys of all the little things wrapped into one big gratitude.
Thanks for reminding me - and others here - of the smell of pencils!Just loved this post.
I loved that photo! You chose such wonderfully simple things. A real feel good read.
Olympus indeed! I had to do some digging to find out what that meant and delved into some Greek mythology: Theoganies. The part I missed was who Corus' father is, who he took the kingdom from, and from whom Zeus overthrew? A bit confused. Rhea disguising a rock in a baby blanket as Zeus to save him reminded me of the biblical story of sending Moses down the river to save him from King Herod. Intriguing...
WE are grateful to YOU for entertaining us post after post.
Well said.
lol, that was fun, and 25 comments on your last post ;)
Danni: ah, I'm impressed that I made you travel so far back in time. :)
Niall, that wasn't supposed to be poetry, just a bunch of sentences held together. Looove that smell :)
MissAlister: I'm reminded of the Queen of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. lol I hope I'm not like that.
Tumblewords: thanks :)
Patois: You've said it so well!
Keith: Ah yes, it's quite striking, isn't it?
Tammy: thank you. I really love light reflexes.
SirBarrett: I'm afraid you've gone further than I have. Didn't Zeus overthrow Uranus? I don't know really. It's perfectly natural that you found that similarity because all those stories stems from the same archetypes and, all in all, they tell the same things over and over again.
Sis: Thanks, yours contributed too.
really liked the image you used. where's that from?
heart-warming post that was. i don't know about the smell of pencils... but having a freshly-sharpened new pencil by itself used to make me happy. new stationery and all that :)
Niyo: It's from everystockphoto I think. Yes, pencils are lovely and I happen to like their smell too.
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