It was extremely shocking and sad to hear of Lhasa de Sela's death today. She died on the first day of the year in Montreal, after battling breast cancer for 21 months. She was 37 years old.
I guess the cliché makes a lot of sense for a musician - that as long as we keep listening to her music she will still be alive between us.
This was probably her best known song and definitely one of my favourites. It never fails to make me travel when I listen to La frontera.
What a life she had, though! I sometimes think it just takes some of us longer than others to pack into our lives the dreams most important to us, the dreams that we came here to live. One of my trademark wistful thoughts, perhaps... Truly delightful tribute here, Ms. Mood : )
DM: I am so sad to read of this; your having introduced her to me is one of the new things I have cherished most in recent years. As much as I love the musicians that I showcase on my blog, Lhasa always felt like she was comig from a very different, and deep, place. She was clearly not just of this world. My wife Tina and I love her Living Road album. I dreamed of some day being able to see her perform.
Thank you for bringing her music into my life.
We're really sad, she was into beauty and brought it to us. I discovered her music by chance in 2000 year and I think she mixed several etnicals cores in her voice and her song and the way she traveled whithin singing.
I thank her a lot, she gave me beauty.
hugs for you guys, julián, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Missalister: True that. And that's a lovely thought, which has to be true :)
Murat: You're welcome and I'm sorry to be the carrier of sad news. But Lhasa managed to reach so many people, I'm sure she'd love that people got to her music by personal recommendations.
Chrispito: hello dear, are you in Mexico already? If so, enjoy Lhasa's roots.
Hola Julián, thanks for commenting. She may have gone early but she still managed to bring us a lot of beauty. Like I said in the post, her music made me travel and it felt like it belonged to different parts of the world, different cultures and origins so I understand what you mean.
Hi again DM. I'd got here looking for some information (I mean hour birth) for drawing Lhasa 's natal chart. I'd like to give it a glimpse. If any case you know it, would you please?
thanx and good year, Julián.
I love you.
Yanclae: :)
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