Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Forgive the bluntness of this short post but:
One would think that consciousness was incompatible with immaturity. You would think that, once you've gathered some experience, read, talked, thought about things a lot, that a certain wisdom would come of that. But then comes a time when you are clearly picturing yourself having the most immature set of reactions and behaviour and you feel incapable of acting any differently, no matter how wrong you know you are, no matter how much you wish you reacted distinctly but you seem to be unable to curb, ugh hate saying this, 'your nature'. So much for enlightenment...


murat11 said...

It's all like a Super Mario Bros. video game: the "immaturity" just ratchets you up a notch for the next level of enlightenment.

Miss Alister said...

I first thought my nature was a mere problem; then I thought it something that needed to be killed off; and now I think of it as a merciless map to my destiny. Running tandem with the aforementioned thoughts, were thoughts of enlightenment. I first thought it would happen to me in a flash if I read or heard just the right words of spiritual gurus; then I thought it was an accumulative thing that I could strive after patiently with spiritual practice; then I thought if it happens, it happens, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t; and now I think Who f-ing cares? But Paschal’s right, you know, so sit back, enjoy the flight, and thank you for choosing Life Airlines :-D

Devil Mood said...

Murat: I think I need more mushrooms so Mario grows up nice and strong :)

MissAlister: haha Life Airlines, I feel like I haven't read the small print in the tickets ;)

Richard Godwin said...

He who knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool, shun him, he who knows not and knows he knows not is a student, guide him, he who knows and knows not he knows is a poet,honour him, he who knows and knows he knows is a wise man, follow him.