I've been a little dreamy lately. I could do a whole post just on bits of lyrics of what I've been listening to. So this is how it would start:
I want love
So bring it on, I've been bruised
Don't give me love that's clean and smooth
I'm ready for the rougher stuff
No sweet romance, I've had enough
(Elton John)
This is how I've been feeling lately. I'm not sure my feet have been touching the ground ... I've been wondering whether to embark on a love journey or not. I'm not, by any means, doubting the value of any love journey (it always looks worthwhile to me). It's the circumstances I'm questioning, it's the feelings I'm evaluating...
Are you the one that I've been waiting for? (Nick Cave)
Do you think there's a choice when we fall in love? People usually say: "oh don't fall for him/her, he/she's no good for you!". I used to think that there wasn't any choice and part of me still thinks that (mainly because I'm frequently overwhelmed by my emotions) but I've identified a critical period when I usually decide (conscious or unconsciously) whether or not I'll fall in love with someone. This critical period may last just a couple of seconds but afterwards there's just no going back. If I've fallen for it, there's no point in trying not to feel something.
There was a time when I wouldn't hesitate. Maybe I didn't know how to do it. Lately, I've been able to identify this critical period - it's not very romantic, as you can imagine.
What's love got to do with it? (Tina Turner - you tell me, Tina!)
You may start to wonder now what's the point of this post and ... I'm with you! The truth is there's no point in writing about love if it isn't poetry or a love story. Everything else seems silly and useless. I wish I didn't have to write about it like this, that would mean a lot.
The truth is:
All I want is someone I can't resist (Aerosmith)
I can answer almost anything with a song lyric:)
sometimes I have to write them myself though...
As for your messy post I might be willing to decipher it
But it's what it means to you that counts.
Love is all around you I am sure - if you don't feel it - I have some I can spare
For a little while
or a lifetime
Bobbb: Thanks, that was a really nice comment. I'm not sure I can decipher what I wrote myself so I admire people that try. :)
Music truly is the greatest vehicle for expressing ourselves.
i think you do choose to fall in love, you have to be open to it. And you can resist it too.
But why do that? unless we are talking about a very vulnerable time in your life or about a person who is clearly wrong for you.
But isn't the feeling of the actual fall the greatest on earth? i love this feeling. When your heart sinks.
'The truth is there's no point in writing about love if it isn't poetry or a love story.'
Hmmm...but so much of love is not poetry or love stories, but is just the everydayness of being together. That's also important to write about, just it's not so glamorous. And the choosing to love, and the choosing not to love...in fact, there's always a point in writing about love, no matter what the aspect you focus on. It's all so important.
today, i was listening a Portuguese fado compilation cd, amazing!!
Katia Guerreiro was only known to me.
it's called "O fado do publico 5 - Novas Vozes, Novos Fados" released by the daily newspaper 'Publico'.
what a pity, i don't speak Portuguese
here are some words you know well: "don't you know, when you're loving anybody, baby, you're taking a gamble on a little sorrow. But then, who cares, baby, 'cause we may not be here tomorrow". So I think that the critical period exists (unless it is "someone you can't resist", which would spare you from deciding;) ). It can be that we only pay attention to it now because we´ve learned to be careful when it comes to love... but what's the use of being carefull? life's too short and.. "something's lost, but something's gained"...
here are some words you know well: "don't you know, when you're loving anybody, baby, you're taking a gamble on a little sorrow. But then, who cares, baby, 'cause we may not be here tomorrow". So I think that the critical period exists (unless it is "someone you can't resist", which would spare you from deciding;) ). It can be that we only pay attention to it now because we´ve learned to be careful when it comes to love... but what's the use of being carefull? life's too short and.. "something's lost, but something's gained"...
Day: You're right and that is the crucial point. I think I have a lot to work on that department. ;)
Chloe: Of course it is the best feeling in the world: that's why I want to fall, fall, fall. lol But somehow it isn't very straightforward right now. It'd be terrible if I had learned to not even bother falling...
Kimananda: I didn't want to limit the love-talking to only poetry and romance, of course the other things are important. I guess I just felt that what I was writing was useless.
Husker Du: I buy that daily paper :) But I haven't got the Cds. If you want my help on translating anything, I'd be happy to give it a try. But there's not much to understand about fado: it's always about feeling an enormous pain, loneliness and "saudade". ;)
Catarina: Janis was all for falling in love, but I can't make her my role-model ;) You're right about everything else. What can I say? You know me too well!
Just passing through, I'm digging the blog by the way.
Humanity critic: Thanks :) Always lovely to be appreciated by a critic ;)
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »
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