Monday, April 17, 2006

Grey Easter

My Easter Sunday was boring. But boring could be acceptable, if it wasn't also sad. I'm still in shock after hearing of a fatal car crash. The cousin of my aunt-to-be was driving and got killed. I never knew him but that doesn't ease the shock. He was my age and he looked full of life and energetic, but no matter what people can say about him's over because his life ended there. As you know, I don't have much experience with death and it's still confusing to me how people just cease to exist. On the other hand, it's easier when people are older and have lived a little; when people are so young it feels like so much is lost. This death is all over the Tv because the boy was also a tv-star and teen idol...the kids must be quite shocked as well. I'm not sure this will do any difference to put a stop to so much road accidents. Even if it did, I still wish he wasn't dead...
Driving over here is a dangerous thing - 8 people got killed in the last 4 days and 23 were badly injured. I heard that in Spain 101 people died this Easter, which is even more tragic. So, if you're driving, be careful.


Cathy said...

Devil Mood;
Oh dear, this is such a very sad and tragic thing. I share your confusion about death; you said it so well; just ceasing to exist.

Perhaps there will be new laws or regulations as a result? That is a terrible number of accidents and deaths.

I hope your day gets better.

Devil Mood said...

Cathy: Thanks. The law is getting stricter every year but it doesn't make much difference. People just need to be more careful...

Day: Oh thank you, I needed that :) I'm glad you got the card, I hope you liked it. I got this picture from, I haven't been able to put mine into the computer lately :(

x said...

i am sorry :( this is so sad.
i agree with you and Cathy, i am also very confused about death.
We are all united in this.
I am sorry. Many warm hugs. xxx

Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear about this - it is so sad :( I think you are right that when people are older, and have lived, and we ourselves have begun to prepare ourselves for their death it is still painful, but a little bit easier to understand. Maybe "understand" is not a good word, because would it even be possible to really understand? I just can't think of a better one.

Devil Mood said...

Chloe: Thanks, dear. It's sinking in now, but it's still very depressing. Take care :)

Stephanie: It's really sad that his life can't go on any longer and no one can get it going on for makes me wonder a lot.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

So very sorry to hear about this tragedy. So, so sad.
Take care, friend ... Meow

Devil Mood said...

Meow: Thanks, I appreciate your support :)

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