Saturday, April 22, 2006

These are the Champions...

F.C. Porto are the new champions of Portugal...deservedly... and now the city is commemorating!

We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers 'cause we are the champions...!!!


kimananda said...

Yea! Parabens! (Please ignore my Sporting colors...I'm converting temporarily to join you in the celebrations.)

Devil Mood said...

Kimananda: okay, good, so you should! :)

Day: lol I actually pictured the little bird on your profile picture saying that - it was funny!

Connie: Thank you, I shall be celebrating :)

Scholiast said...

As long as Benfica doesn't win anything, I'll be routing for Porto if you like :)

(the "B" team pushed Liverpool out of Champions league. We were not amused..)

Devil Mood said...

Schloliast: Really? You support Liverpool? That's interesting :) Of course, you should support Porto - they're the best ;)

Stephanie said...

Found the new you & have already changed my blogroll :)

Congratulations to you and your team! My sporting season is just beginning here.

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: That's great, thanks :) Like I've said before, the beginning of the sporting season is usually a time of great hope and faith in our team :)

Devil Mood said...

Day: Working by yourself isn't easy because you have to do all the work and have no one to support or advise you most of the time...And it's a job where you need to have such iniciative and get to know a lot of people and spread the word. It's hard to get it going at the first attempt so I hope you don't stop trying.
I think your flyer is very good :) In my case, it'd be a bit weird to get a present like that for my Mum since she does those kinds of things herself...she'll want something different, I'm sure. But I think it's a great gift for Mums :)