Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Do you have time to smell the roses?

I've been busy, busy, busy. I've been studying for 2 exams and (sort of) working and bearing the terrible heat we've been having since last week, that takes my energy away. Today it was cooler, thank you Lord.
Tomorrow is my last day at work at that horrible place I (used to) hate. It'll be bittersweet. On the one hand, it's amazing how I managed to be there since October, considering how I hated it, I hated everything in the beginning. Later, I've grown attached to some things over there (not really related to the work itself - it's still terrible to work there!), that's the hardest part (this reminded me of a Coldplay song - probably the only one I don't like).
I don't know how I'll react when I'm finally free from the rotation (I think it's what people call that job when you're just training) but I won't have much time to think about it, since I'll be having tons of things to study. Life is live, as some lame band have put it once and it's very true - everything happens in that moment and then it's gone and you can't be stuck on it, not even a moment.
There'd be a lot to say on the matters of the heart but I don't have much time to think about and write so I'll probably just regret everything I did and didn't do when I have time to think about it in a few months time.
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life...


Stephanie said...

I think sometimes it's just a matter of enjoying what you can, while you can. It all goes by so fast.

x said...

i am glad you'll be out of there soon. that job made you sad for the most part of the time. i want to know what happened with the matters that matter, those of the heart.

kimananda said...

That is the most beautiful photo I've seen all day. Good post-work luck! :-)

Devil Mood said...

Maddy: Thank you, I chose it a little randomly but then I figured it made some sense after all. :)

Stephanie: That's true! I think I enjoyed what I could over there.

Jackt: Thank you but I really didn't have much choice ;)

Connie: I hope so, thank you very much :)

Chloe: You're right, it made a miserable moaner. I shouldn't see it as if I'm losing anything, only a bit of structure and a timetable...I'll talk about the other things later ;)

Kimananda: Thank you, I guess I was born a photographic genious, or maybe it's just the roses that are beautiful.

Devil Mood said...

Day: Yeah, you're probably right :)

Scholiast said...

I love Bittersweet symphony, but the one I'm thinking of is by The Verve, so maybe it's a different one?

Take comfort in the upcoming football world cup :)

Devil Mood said...

Scholiast: I was "singing" the The Verve song, as well, I just didn't mention it...sorry.

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