Friday, June 02, 2006

Fab Four

Here they are! We could have done a better job with Paul: he is missing a little pout and isn't looking very much like him. But we didn't mean to do them all, it started with a regular face and later became the whole band. lol


Scholiast said...

Love Ringo's hair! And John's actually the spitting image of himself :)

- Who're "we"?

Scholiast said...

Oh, just read the other post.. Forget I asked about "we" :)

Devil Mood said...

Scholiast: lol We were inspired, I guess. :)

Jackt: hehe they look funny don't they?

Day: Yes, we did! I wish I had a bit of that extra time right now, I'm running against the clock for the stupid exams...

Stephanie said...

Those are SO funny. I love that Ringo has a ...giraffe...? coming out of his head? A local music message board had an "album covers rendered in microsoft paint" thingy going for a while. Maybe I'll try to find mine.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Totally fab!

I don't know anymore sixties lingo

Darius said...

No, Paul wasn't one of them.

The Fab Four were John, Mark, Luke and Ringo. Paul was just their PR guy.

x said...

john is my favourite. and george too.
now, do the Stones please.

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: The giraffe appeared there by accident but I think it's suits Ringo's style :)

Chris: Neither do I but those words sound accurate.

Darius: Really? Live and learn, I suppose ;)

Chloe: We haven't tried the Stones yet - I don't think the glasses suit them so well. But we have other characters, I'll post them later.