Saturday, July 08, 2006

Boring but funny

Looks like Summer is finally here, after a slow start.
Fortunately I'll be heading for my holidays in a week. I'm too tired of trying to work and not succeeding. I feel like the head is going around in loops for the past weeks - not much good comes out of it anymore.
I'm so bored I'm browsing through a set of pictures of celebrities yawning - yes, I'm serious! I'll pick the best one to illustrate it...(it IS really funny, check it out, if you want)


Stephanie said...

It made me yawn too! Someone had WAY too much time on their hands to collect all of those, but soooo funny :)

Stephanie said...

Oh, also - more people with too much time on their hands:

x said...

jude law yawns like a real person. the others are scary!

Devil Mood said...

Connie: I'm so sorry :) Maybe this could work when people have insomnia...

Stephanie: They make all sorts of weird collections with these photos. I went to check the link and I think I remember someone mentioning this before - it's so ridiculous and strange ;)

Chloe: lol some of them don't seem to be yawning at all. but it's so funny to watch them all yawn in a row hehhe :)

kimananda said...

Cool pic!

Devil Mood said...

Day: I understand, don't worry about it. It's really hot here too, I'm feeling quite sleepy today.

Kimananda: Oh no, where's your portuguese gone? ;)

Steve: Let's all yawn and get it over with. (yawn) ok, feeling better now.

fb said...

Ever get lockjaw when you yawn?

Devil Mood said...

FB: Not usually, I train a lot, my jaw rarely gets stuck ;)