Thursday, July 06, 2006


People of the world, I'm sending you the famous questionnaire I've been going on about for months. It's been done for quite a while now but I was hoping my teacher would give me an opinion. He doesn't seem to give a crap about me so I'm risking it.
Maybe over the weekend will be more convenient for you to spend some time on it.


Scholiast said...

I'm ready now! Kids and hubby are at the cottage, I won't be joining them until next Friday...

Meow (aka Connie) said...

I've got it, thank you ... will work on it over the weekend and get it back to you a.s.a.p.
Take care, Meow

Christopher D. Bate said...

Swish! I'm curious...

Steve House said...

at the moment I cant opn the attatchment. I dont know why as its korean but I'll try another computer this weekend and keep my fingers crossed. I would love to be able to help

Devil Mood said...

Scholiast: Oh thanks, enjoy your peaceful time as best as you can. I hope it doesn't take too much of your time.

Meow: No, thank YOU :) I really appreciate it!

Chris: Prepare yourself to be a little bored!

Steve: Don't worry too much if you can't do it. I appreciate your help anyway. Seeing Korean everywhere must be a little enfuriating sometimes ;)

Steve House said...

I have deleted my blog by accident while trying to publish a post, I cant work out how to get it back in Korean so Im gonna try and sign in as supermans foot for a bit

Devil Mood said...

Steve: That's terrible! Damned korean characters! :(

Stephanie said...

I've already started it :)

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: Thanks :))

sophie said...

did you get my questionnaire?

i re-invented myself.