Monday, August 07, 2006

Holidays - part IV - deserted beaches

I cannot comment much on these pictures. It's just what it is. Enjoy :)


Scholiast said...

Can I come too?

x said...

i called M to see them too. so beautiful!

sophie said...

These are absolutely my favorite
you have ever posted -

Meow (aka Connie) said...

I've just looked over the last few posts and your photos ... what a wonderful holiday you had. The photos are fabulous.
Got your postcard yesterday ... thank you so much, it is lovely. Looks like a beautiful place.
Hope you are having a great week.
Take care, Meow

Devil Mood said...

Hugs: Thanks for visiting :)

Scholiast: Next time, okay?

Chloe: oh good! I'm glad you liked them. They're very uplifting.

Sophie: Yes, I understand. There's something special about deserted beaches :)

Meow: Thank you. It was great being there. I'm glad you got the card, it was faster than I imagined :)

fb said...

Now that's a beach!

I am curently tramping up and down the muddy clay beaches of Essex foregoing the sandy bits!

Devil Mood said...

FB: Yes, I've seen your photos and there's a considerable contrast. But I've seen many great beaches in England too, just not like this one, but with big areas of nice sand.

lady miss marquise said...

Fab - and a nice distraction from work...

Cathy said...

Oh, the perfect beach...delicious.

Devil Mood said...

Lady Miss: Yes, thank God for distractions sometimes!

Cathy: :) I wish I was there now!

Stephanie said...

I have to get holiday tips from you - I love the open sandy beaches with no people! Lovely photos :)

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: he he thanks! Who doesn't? ;)

Stephanie said...

who doesn't? the ones who put their blankets down right next to you even when there is a vast expanse of open sand as far as the eye can see ;)

maybe they think it must be the best spot if someone has already claimed it?

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: You're right! There's an area of that beach that is usually crowded because people are too lazy to walk a little more.