Thursday, October 12, 2006


Wonder what that number is?
It's the estimated number of people that have been killed in the war in Iraq (according to The Independent UK newspaper) - 655,000 so far and the chaos doesn't seem to be heading to an end.
And what for? Where are the "weapons of mass destruction"? Where are the terrorists? Oh, there's the oil...

And nobody talks about this! It's one person killed every three minutes. No, they want to talk about where the next war is going to be...Should it be Iran? Should it be North Korea? Which of this is the biggest threat to the economy?

Bah. I'm sick of this.


Anonymous said...

Here, here! Just remember that some people do talk about oil, and business interests, and political maneuvering, and related things. And counting those affected by war is also good, sound practice.

And why do I always forget to sign into Google Beta before I comment? :-O Off to cut and paste and sign in....

x said...

i was typing away on the computer last night when that number was on the news and i thought i had misheard. I asked M to repeat the number and i was shocked. It's a massive amount.

Devil Mood said...

Kim: google beta is too much trouble...:)

Chloe: I got my facts a bit more straight and I think it included also people that died due to other causes (heart diseases, cancer), not just violent deaths.