"It is only that people are far more different than is pretended. All over the world men and women are worrying because they cannot develop as they are supposed to develop. Here and there they have the matter out, and it comforts them. Don't fret yourself, Helen. Develop what you have (...)
Don't you see that all this leads to comfort in the end? It is part of the battle against sameness. Differences - eternal differences, planted by God in a single family, so that there may always be colour; sorrow perhaps but colour in the daily grey"
This is the best bit of the book (Howards End by E.M. Forster). I've just finished it and I'm not in the mood for any more classics for the time being. It was still worth it mainly for this quote.
I now proclaim this my quote for the week. Thanks for this...and because it means that I don't need to read the rest of the book...;-)
Kimananda: hehe that's good. Yes, you don't have to read it, it's nothing special. But I'm glad you liked this.
Stephanie: I'm sure there are a lot of colours in Greece - there often are when we go somewhere different :)
Did you read it in English?...good for you regardless!
I couldn't get through it.
Cathy: I did and as a result I adquired a certain way of speaking, "I dare say"...lol
Raised my eyebrow when i read where the quote came from, in how contemporary it seems.
"color in the daily grey"
Never actually read that one. I have it somewhere, but it never quite grabbed me. Great quote, though.
Have a wonderful week.
Take care, Meow
FB: It does and Forster wrote it between 1908-1910 - almost one hundred years ago...
Sophie: You are colour in the daily gray! :)
Meow: It's not exactly "grabbing", I agree. You have to grab it first heheh Have a great week yourself!
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