This was one of the clearest rainbows I've seen. Actually, this whole afternoon has been a show of brilliant light effects in the sky.

The sky has been my object of study these days - not only because of the cloud shapes but also because I've been focusing on my Astrology studies. There's so much to learn, I hardly know where to start. It doesn't surprise me that it takes years of study to become an Astrologist...and it's also a study that never ends, especially when you study the charts of people and understand the possibilities that they possess in terms of understanding that person.

It can also be a bit scary - I've heard of people that could predict the time of their death, that's too creepy, and I have a secret hope that that doesn't work. But who knows?
No matter how much I believe it - Astrology and its potencial - I still think of it as something minor, as something less serious. I know it isn't accepted as other sciences taught in Higher Education, it always seems something that "different, crazy" people would study...even though I don't agree with that.
I don't know anything about astrology and so can't really say that I belive or don't belive any particular thing related to it; please teach us! (but I agree, not the death part...)
That's an amazing rainbow...it's rare to see one that clearly! And where are you studying astrology? One of my first Portuguese experiences was taking a introductory astrology course taught by Paulo Cardoso (I think that was his name), but it didn't teach more than I had read for myself as a kid (though it was good from a language learning perspective anyway). It would be interesting to find out more.
I've often found astrology creepily accurate.
Teach us more, please :)
Cathy: Ok, I'll add some astrology mini-lessons to my posts :) with pleasure
Kimananda: I'm not studying it anywhere in particular: just reading books I have, searching web-sites, web groups...but Paulo Cardoso is very nice - I like to hear him talk, though he might be a little too "business-orientated" for my taste...
Stephanie: I think I have a nice idea for a post on that subject :)
I've been looking skywards too recently.
I know nothing of astrology but hope to pick up bits from you!
Well, you haven't seen that tag coming, have you ;) So you shouldn't worry about too accurate predictions then...
My quads are 1 minute apart, yet totally different personalities. Explain, astrologist...? (Yes, they're Gemini, but still...)
Astrology has always been extremely accurate in predicting me and my life!
Wonderful pics too!
Kids Furniture
FB: What's on your sky lately? Or is it Sky Sports? ;)
Scholiast: I have no idea how Astrology explains that...and in an even bigger scale how it explains twins separated at birth that have totally different lives...but I'm sure they have an explanation...
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