Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fashion Now

Sometimes the girl that writes about love and dreams and memories...comes back to earth and likes to buy shoes. Especially when they're so cheap and beautiful like this pair. She doesn't really understand where this love for shoes suddenly came from, she thinks it's probably because she's changing her style.
Yesterday she went to a book sale and got a wonderful book about fashion, it was the only thing worth buying at the market.
550 pages of the world's most 150 most important designers. Stunning photography and interviews with all the designers. She doesn't think she'll ever read this from beginning to end but it should be a great amusement looking at so many pictures.
And when she thinks about it, she realizes that after seeing those pictures and when wearing her glittery shoes she'll be even more capable of dreaming...


Stephanie said...

I like looking at/reading about fashion too, though I am not any sort of girly-girl in person. Where is your style headed?

Preeti Shenoy said...

I love that girl!Because I see myself in her.As for the book--the moment you open a book, you open a mind.As for the shoes--they are lovely because they help you dream.It is so important.

Devil Mood said...

Stephanie: The love for shoes reflects moving from 'always wearing snickers' to...wearing other things that can be classier :)

PS: Completely agree!

lady miss marquise said...

I love that girl, because even though that girl worked in the fashion industry , she can still appreciate the beauty... and that girl also spent most of her Christmas bonus on a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes because although she has yet to wear them, they are beautiful and they were on sale and it would have been rude not to buy them.

Waaait a minute, dammit. I knew that girl was me!

And I hoard books with pretty pictures too!

dharmabum said...

shoes helping u dream better? thats a strange thought, but well, stranger is this world :)

me and fashion are miles apart - i am almost always lousily dressed - ill fitting, out of fashion, old clothes. the only thing i am particular about is that they be clean and comfortable :)

x said...

you got fairy shoes!i love them devil. i don't know the book but it sounds interesting. it's good to come down and wear shoes sometimes. :)xxx

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Ooooh, what gorgeous shoes. Now, that's something I should do ... I only ever wear sports shoes, slippers or thongs (flip-flops) ... or bare feet !! Might be nice to have something pretty and girly on my feet.
Hope you have a magical weekend.
Take care, Meow xx

Devil Mood said...

LadyMiss: That girl deserves a few treats every once in a while and shoes get SO sad when they're left in the stores with a discount - we need to help them! ;)

Dharmabum: I don't mind wearing old clothes and most of the time I just want to feel comfortable too. But sometimes I like pretty things :)

Chloe: I can't take my eyes off them, they keep shining at me :)

Meow: As I was saying to Stephanie, most of the time my shoes are very practical. Still, it's great to have a pair of pretty ones, even if just to look at them. he he

holy chaos said...

i agree with lady miss marquis, it would be rude not to buy them. they are very pretty.

it is true for me that clothes, shoes, me dream...

madelyn said...

I am so silly about shoes -
rarely buy them but when i do
they are very colorful -
red or fushia or emerald green.

That books sound great to put in the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devil Mood said...

Natalie: And we all need to dream sometimes - I think you deserve it especially.

Sophie: What a great idea! I always wanted to have a stylish bathroom. With wallpaper and an old closet. :) Shoes should be silly and very extravagant :)