Thursday, April 05, 2007


Do you see the magnificent resemblance? ;)
Above: Slash
Below: Me [Edit: I'm wearing a wig, FYI!]


madelyn said...

you are so silly - and happy - and fun.


Eric said...

Perhaps there is a relation in the family you are not aware of? How are your guitar skills? ^_^

Anonymous said...

It is fun to see you letting your hair down for a while... heehe

Preeti Shenoy said...

LOL LOL..that was hilariuos.
You made me want to post november rain which I think i shall..Oh no--not me wearing a wig,the real GNR.LOL.

fb said...

interesting hair day you're having there...

Devil Mood said...

Maddy: hehe thanks!

Eric: I'm afraid I'm useless around guitars. It's a shame :(

Day: That was a bit of hair hard to let down, but I see what you mean ;)

PS: I'm glad I made you laugh! Yes, post it, I love that song :)

FB: I know!! :)

Miss Iyer said...

LOL Bad hair day? ;)

You guys look startlingly similar :-P Wot fun to try out stuff like this!

simple fellow said...


Cathy said...

Hey! That's a good look for you!

dharmabum said...

slash rocks. the devil rocks!

Devil Mood said...

Miss Iyer: You're right, it was a really funny experience.

Simple Fellow: thanks!

Cathy: You think I could go out on the street like that? ;)

Dharmabum: hehe he does!

Niall young said...

I can't tell the difference!..perhaps there is a difference when playing guitar?...good old Slah..was born near Derby in Stoke On Trent..(same place as Robbie Williams by the way!)

Devil Mood said...

Niall: Yes, I know where Robbie was born (I was a huge fan in my early-teens), but I didn't know Slash was born there too - there must be something in the water there ;)

holy chaos said...

too funny!

Devil Mood said...

Natalie ;)