Don’t you know when you’re loving anybody, baby,
You’re taking a gamble on a little sorrow*
I've come to the conclusion that you have to trust in a lot of things in order to simply live in this planet. To start off, you have to trust yourself, your abilities, your resilience - that's self-confidence. You also have to trust your feelings, your reactions, your instincts - that's self-esteem.
Then as you try to grow up into the person you're supposed to be, you need to trust others, you need to trust the World, the future. You need to believe that good things can happen to you, that putting something out into the world will bring you positive consequences, that you can be happy no matter what you are or what has happened to you before - that's faith and optimism.
And when you want to share your life with other people, you need to trust that they will want you in return. You have to trust that they won't hurt you, that they will try to make you happy in that relationship. In short, you have to trust them with your heart - and that is love.
More Sunday Scribblings here.
*Janis Joplin - "Get it while you can"
Image - everystockphoto.com
YES yes yes!! You are 100% on the mark... It is the only way to findpeace it seems... trust...
Hey Vanessa, how did you comment so quickly? Blogger was acting up just now. ;)
very wise words!!
i'll remember this.
thank you.
You've got this just right. If you go around not trusting anyone, you'll never live, and you'll end up paranoid. And yes, sometimes you get it wrong and you get hurt.
That's life.
i love words of wisdom :)
great contribution.
chk mine at
this is very well said and thought-through. i think if we didn't trust, we'd never get anywhere, do anything, love anyone...
Thats all I can say!
I like that...and I like this prompt. Just looking at my small baby, it's all about trust at that point, isn't it? It has to be. And maybe it should be more about trust for us adults as well. This one may get me started with this Sunday Scribbling thing.
Trust and (lowercase) faith: countering statistics, talking heads, exper-tease: courage of the heart.
Good to see you back.
That's an aweful lot of trusting!
I wish I could express how much I value what you've said here and How much I needed to read this. I wish I could have read these very wise words in my youth. I feel like that first paragraph is still tough for me. Thanks so much for sharing this. I would love to copy it and re read it and re read it and re read it
A really thought provoking piece, and a lot of good advice.
Thought provoking definitely...I still have trust issues even at my age. I keep hoping to get over them...ciao
So beautifully put...trust has so much to do with having faith that good things will happen. And when things go wrong, you must pick yourself up and trust that things will get better. Beautiful post!
oh boy...that is a big one.
trusting is a tough one.
Floreta: hey, thanks. :)
AnthonyNorth: Paranoid, absolutely!
Americanising desi: thank you.
Shadow: Yes, that's what I've realised too.
Aathira: oh, thank you, that's very nice.
Kimananda: Yes, I guess they gradually trust lessbut that trust is endearing. Like my tiny cousins mesmerised by a simple magic trick. :)
Murat: thanks! exper-tease haha
Rosey: That's what I thought!
Lucy: I'm truly thrilled that you connected with this in such a way. Be my guest and read it as much as you need. :)
Keith: I sincerely didn't mean to be an adviser.
Rositta: I guess this is a life-long battle, as I was just saying in other blog.
Fledging Poet: thanks! I recently discovered faith is trust, I hadn't really put the 2 together before.
Gillian: Indeed!
Good reminder -
That is lovely and all, but it points up blaringly that I have serious trust issues! So back to the lovely, the desirable—the trusting of instincts, of the positive possibilities, of love—the things to focus wholly on. Good stuff, DM.
Don't we just get it wrong so many times? We reach out and and we get hurt..sadly we see so often those who have been hurt beyond endurance. How good it is that sometimes..when you reach out and trust someone..when you give without expecting anything in return..you sometimes find that you are repayed a thousand times in ways you never dreamt.
Trust is a tough one. Personally I need to trust myself more. My instincts about other people are like rapid fire. I'm quite careful in not showing other people what I observe in their character, because I feel like it's a weird intrusion of privacy. I don't know why I feel like this...maybe I don't trust as much as I think, lol. Or, I trust I can run away if my trust is broken.:)
you are such a wise kid.
better to trust more rather than less. I like your open heart to the world.
to me, trust just happens. i mean, i don't end up analyzing and what not - when i trust, i shut my eyes and everything else.
hmm yes i agree too. it's too bad i have major trust issues.
I like this. It's a good reminder. It seems trust is accumulative. But as you said, you have to start with self-esteem and trusting your trusting instincts.
ah. now you tell me. you are probably right. and i find the very cause of my imbalance.
Tumblewords: thanks :)
Missalister: Really, don't we all? It isn't easy to trust, I think.
Niall: Poetic!
Chrispito: hehe great insight as always!
Chloe: Yes, I suppose that's better.
Dharmabum: Otherwise it wouldn't really be trust, would it?
Lissa: Sometimes we are more prone to thinking: better safe than sorry.
SirBarrett: Oh I like that. You think it's cumulative? Maybe it is.
Phish: Maybe this issue is in the heart of most problems.
Trust is a soft as the wind when spoken but as hard as a rock when deeds come in but it's always good to do so.
Tnomeralc: So true! Nice metaphor :)
@Devil Mood
Thanks :D
That is very well said words!! Nicely writtern
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