Do you feel like you belong somewhere? Is this location the place where you live right now, or the place where you grew up in?
Well, for many people it isn't, this special place isn't even remotely close to where they have lived or live now. I'm sure you know people who feel this way: some have found that their home, perhaps their spiritual home, is in India and it's only there that they've felt truly at home. Others are born with a permanent desire to move to Africa. Others have an inexplicable connection to Egypt, without even having been there in the first place. Others feel like they belong in Italy even though nothing in their personal history connects them to this country. I know innumerous people in these conditions and this has made me wonder many times before.
Their longing for these distant (or not so distant) places is apparently of no logical explanation, they have dreamed about these locations from childhood or adolescence, perhaps they've read about them or seen a particular film or documentary, which made their interest grow ever bigger...I'm guessing they didn't come across these sources by sheer coincidence.
This way, I've wondered if this phenomenon was connected to possible past lives. Because I'm not exactly an expert in the subject I tried to look at it from an astrological point of view, through a point in the birth-charts that is called the South Node. The Nodes describe an evolutionary axis of the soul, from a point where we're most comfortable with (the South Node) to a point that is our challenge for evolution in this life (the North Node). And if we look at it from the perspective of Karmic Astrology (the branch of Astrology that relies on Karma and past lives as principles), the South Node could describe our past lives and something along the lines of where our soul has been. And I found we could speculate about where our soul has been, reading a book that connects the South Node sign to various locations around the World (because countries and regions are related to signs too). This way we could perhaps understand why we feel comfortable and at home in places where we've never been before and have no apparent connection to. Just a thought. :)
More Sunday Scribblings.
Funny but I don't really feel I belong anywhere. As an immigrant to Canada I don't truly belong even though this is a very multicultural society. I feel I should be living in Germany yet when I am there I no longer belong. Greece, not even on the horizon although I enjoy our time there (mostly). I have always wanted to go to China but doubt that that will happen now...ciao
certainly a lot deep thing in your writing. I have never been one for astrology, karma or previous lives or next lives. This only shows that I was never a deep thinker ans was able to push those thought aside as being a little inane. As I get older, I seem to consider these things more and more and I no longer find them to be inane. Nice post.
When you've always been made to feel out of place - you have to find the place that welcomes you.
I've always felt I had two countries - the USA where I was born and Brazil, the other country of my heart. Good post!
That was so interesting .... in that way, i am yet to find one for me...
Informative post - I've always felt like I didn't belong HERE or THERE and have tons of travel under my belt and never did find that perfect place. Speculation is fascinating!
That's really interesting. Although I think sometimes we subconsciously create from what we read,see and hear, an ideal feeling of what means 'home'...it's generally a place that we feel secure and familiar with...I have no answers except that I suppose somewhere deep inside ourselves is perhaps a genetic memory of where we originated from.
Incidentally, I live now only two streets away from where I was born.
I was invited to a psychic party recently and was told that I had had a difficult past life in Egypt. My response was, "dang, this life isn't so easy either!" I must be a little slow on the karmic curve! :)
Our sense of belonging and its connection to past life is an interesting subject. I tend toward feeling at home where ever I am.
I haven’t felt at home anywhere I’ve ever lived. Reading especially the bit about folks feeling like they belong in other countries, I remembered when I was a little kid I felt a connection to Dallas, TX, and years later I ended up living there for 18 years. The funny thing is when I first got there I wanted to leave, when I got used to it I enjoyed it but I didn’t feel like I’d be there long, and after I left Dallas, I about came unglued from missing it so. Go figure. That whole business about the South Node sounds wildly interesting. I wonder if there’s any place I ever did feel at home.
And a most delicious thought at that, DM. I loved this post; always love it when you strut your astrological stuff (now, I presume you'll go all modest on me: DON'T). Florence, Italy is certainly my where in the world, though I also wonder about the inexplicable connections we feel with people as well as places. Time to delve some more in the south and north nodes. Thank you for this.
I guess it all depends on ones perception. Good post!
Interesting post. I know absolutely nothing about astrology but my grandparents came from Scotland and England and I was blessed to take a trip there. I remember feeling such a pull when I was there. I knew I COULD live there and felt like it was my home. I chalked it up to ancestral blood but maybe you have something here. Thanks for sharing this.
This is a great astrology site that you have here. I have a paranormal blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. You can contact me through my website or through email. Let me know if this is possible. Thanks. Jason
Out of place and out of time. It is curious that so many people feel that they are not in the right place or the right time. Where does this sense of displacement come from? Certainly you have raised a thought provoking issue.
Interesting idea. I mused with the idea of moving to New Caledonia because it's a little island in the middle of nowhere which fascinated me when I did a project on it in grade seven. However, I can't remember if I became fascinated with it after I started the project, or why exactly I chose to do a project on it. Maybe it was because it was my South Node that I gravitated to it in the first place. But I still haven't ever been there :(
Where in the world are you these days?
i belong in Edinburgh. That's where i feel whole. I've never lost my way there.
I had no idea about this South Node. I need to learn more! What is this book that connects the south node sign to various locations?
Playing "King of Sorrow" over and over this morning. How did I miss this one for so long?
want to cook you a soup that warms your soul...
Peace, amiga.
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