This is my crazy sunset for today...
Champions' League Draw:
PORTO vs. CHELSEA (matches played in the 21st February and 6th March)
There's a match I have to see. Or maybe not. lol No, I do, I do.
Scholiast sent me an early birthday present (just a single day early to be precise) consisting of Norwegian chocolates (hmmm, I don't know what it is with foreign chocolates but they always look tastier than the ones we have at home), a dreamy postcard and a lovely CD - when I make CDs for people, I always notice that the majority of songs are sung by women and I force myself to include more male songs - not that songs have gender, I don't think they do, do you? Scholiast'd CD makes a nice constrast because I believe there is a majority of male singers. And good ones too.
My birthday was brighter thanks to you people. But I believe I also caught a cold, this headache is suspicious.
Happy Birthday!
Will Porto boo or cheer Maureen?
Come on Porto!
Barcelona no problem, they barely made it through their group.
i am glad that you had a happy birthday!
i love the sunset pic.
chocolates from almost anywhere are yummy. my scottish friend says that cadbury is the best.
For fear of sounding chauvinistic, Norwegian chocolate is the best - that's why I had to share it with you! Meeting Chelsea could be a tough one.. But I sincerely hope you thrash them ;) But as pool is pouring out goals these days Barca should be no problem!
FB: thanks! If I'm there, I'll be cheering him but portuguese crowds tend to forget things really fast so usually when someone is on the other team, they boo them.
I saw Liverpool's 2nd half today and the goals were impressive!
Holychaos: I have to say I'm not a big fan of cadbury, except when it comes to one that has mint inside - that's probably the best chocolate ever! :)
Day: I like milky chocolate :) I think...
Scholiast: It's really good - today when I woke up I had two little bits before breakfast - don't tell anyone! lol
As I was saying to Finn, Liverpool's goals today were really good. that should be an interesting couple of matches.
I think that in Portugal, all the good chocolate was used on top of pastries.
Kim: lol that's a bit unfair. I think Nestle and Milka are really good :) hmmm milka ;)
But Nestle and Milka aren't Portuguese, are they?
I have a love of chocolates!
Kim: No, they're not portuguese. I think the only portuguese brand is Regina. But if you notice none of our traditional desserts include chocolate - we're not a chocolate country :(
Sophie: I share that love with you :)
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