Friday, December 15, 2006

This is my crazy sunset for today...

Champions' League Draw:

PORTO vs. CHELSEA (matches played in the 21st February and 6th March)

There's a match I have to see. Or maybe not. lol No, I do, I do.

Scholiast sent me an early birthday present (just a single day early to be precise) consisting of Norwegian chocolates (hmmm, I don't know what it is with foreign chocolates but they always look tastier than the ones we have at home), a dreamy postcard and a lovely CD - when I make CDs for people, I always notice that the majority of songs are sung by women and I force myself to include more male songs - not that songs have gender, I don't think they do, do you? Scholiast'd CD makes a nice constrast because I believe there is a majority of male singers. And good ones too.

My birthday was brighter thanks to you people. But I believe I also caught a cold, this headache is suspicious.


fb said...

Happy Birthday!

Will Porto boo or cheer Maureen?

Come on Porto!

Barcelona no problem, they barely made it through their group.

holy chaos said...

i am glad that you had a happy birthday!

i love the sunset pic.

chocolates from almost anywhere are yummy. my scottish friend says that cadbury is the best.

Anonymous said...

For fear of sounding chauvinistic, Norwegian chocolate is the best - that's why I had to share it with you! Meeting Chelsea could be a tough one.. But I sincerely hope you thrash them ;) But as pool is pouring out goals these days Barca should be no problem!

Devil Mood said...

FB: thanks! If I'm there, I'll be cheering him but portuguese crowds tend to forget things really fast so usually when someone is on the other team, they boo them.
I saw Liverpool's 2nd half today and the goals were impressive!

Holychaos: I have to say I'm not a big fan of cadbury, except when it comes to one that has mint inside - that's probably the best chocolate ever! :)

Day: I like milky chocolate :) I think...

Scholiast: It's really good - today when I woke up I had two little bits before breakfast - don't tell anyone! lol
As I was saying to Finn, Liverpool's goals today were really good. that should be an interesting couple of matches.

Anonymous said...

I think that in Portugal, all the good chocolate was used on top of pastries.

Devil Mood said...

Kim: lol that's a bit unfair. I think Nestle and Milka are really good :) hmmm milka ;)

Anonymous said...

But Nestle and Milka aren't Portuguese, are they?

sophie said...

I have a love of chocolates!

Devil Mood said...

Kim: No, they're not portuguese. I think the only portuguese brand is Regina. But if you notice none of our traditional desserts include chocolate - we're not a chocolate country :(

Sophie: I share that love with you :)