Monday, September 10, 2007

I've been dreaming of a little house with a garden.
Living outside the city had never crossed my mind before. In fact, I wanted to move to a bigger city, the bigger the the place where everything was happening. And I wanted a with empty rooms where I could dance around, maybe sing too since singing to the echo of an empty room is fun (it is!).
How did I get from that to a little house with a garden in a small town? Hmmm. Well, times have really changed. First of all, small towns have everything you need right now, all the services, cheap prices...and if you have Internet, you can have almost everything. Plus, things don't happen only in big places now, no!, globalization took care of that.

In small towns there is more space (despite the apparent contradiction) and it's easier to find a place with a garden, even if it has the size of a pea. I don't care. It's that feeling of having real soil beneath your feet, where seeds can be put into and miraculously grow into plants. A little place where one can have breakfast with the sun, listening to the birds, being pestered by insects (but still, it's a garden!).

I don't need the empty rooms anymore. Small spaces that are tidy enough can be so much more enchanting. Plus I could get rid of half of my clothes and give away the books that I've already read. I don't like things, they get on my way, they restrain me, that's why I love giving them away or throwing them out.
All for a little piece of soil with worms in it...


Cathy said...

Are you going to be moving, then, DM? I like to give away things as well. Perhaps I can mail you some books?...

Anonymous said...

hey you! solar eclipse, you ready?
Your post made me think of an old national geographic I saw of Russia pre-1985. There was an old photo of a flat.
A clear glass jar, filled with water, with an onion floating...sprouting green onions out it's cute little nub at the bottom.
Cities are fantastic; growing things is fantastic, too...

Preeti Shenoy said...

Sometimes it is the worms that make all the difference..

I love my garden too--and I love my space.I have de cluttered so much over the last one year.Its strange how we accumulkate so uch stuff that we dont need.

Dream on, DM--thats what makes life worth living.

madelyn said...

Well you have written
it down - so it shall come true -

and if you are giving away books-
then I am flying out to visit -
with a box to pack them up in:)
and take home:)

Jen said...

hold on to your dreams : )
sounds lovely

diyadear said...

yaa.. a house with a yard.. thats my dream too :)
hey havent been hearing from u..come to my blog some time :)

Devil Mood said...

Cathy: It's not very likely, but at least I can dream about it. That's really nice of you but that sounds like a very expensive thing to do ;)

Chrispito: Since I don't have a garden, I may start getting onions and stuff into glasses of water, I guess. lol Is the eclipse visible where you live?

PS: How nice, wasn't it so liberating? :)

Maddie: For now I still have the space for them, but soon who knows? Hang on to that cardbox :)

Jen: Of course :)

Diyadear: Oh I will!

Niall young said...

If I didn't know how much you loved your wonderful country I'd say "Move to Derby!"'s small enought and big enough..and there's lots of worms!

Anonymous said...

dreams are so funny sometimes.

Devil Mood said...

Niall: Hmm, don't know if I love it here that much, but then there's the weather ;) But Derby sounds really nice. If only it were by the sea...

Day: They are, but this one isn't funny exactly.

Admin said...

i've been dreaming of similar things, and i also love to get rid of things. i'm quite the opposite of a pack-rat.